Strawberries for Valentine’s Day

So what’s the deal with having strawberries for Valentine’s day? I’ve never really associated the juicy red fruit with romance so to be honest, it was all new to me. Recipes online, supermarkets, retailers were all raving about their strawberry related products. One of the most common gifts I’ve seen is strawberries coated in chocolate. They do look amazing.

As the saying go,” if you can’t beat the crowd, join them”, so I picked up a heart-shaped box of strawberries as I was checking out at the till at a local supermarket.


At this time of the year, most of the strawberries are from Spain. They looked fresh, juicy and sweet.


As Daniel and I decided not to do gifts for Valentine’s Day this year, I thought I’d get us this box of strawberries to share. However I couldn’t wait. I “stole” two while he was still at work and ruined the romance.

I can be sooooo romantic at times.

Now, I’m thinking of whipping up some delicious British pancakes with a side serving of sliced Spanish strawberries for lunch.

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