Vinum, Frankfurt

On Friday, Daniel invited me to his work dinner which was held at Vinum. The restaurant is famous for serving good Rheingau wine with local dishes that compliment its selection. While its appearance may look less than inviting on the side street near Alter Oper, once you’re in the restaurant, you’ll be enchanted by its traditional and rustic ambience.

Here are a couple of photos from the restaurant’s website. The real thing looks just as lovely and classy.



Thankfully, portions aren’t as massive as other traditional German restaurants in town. However you won’t leave the place hungry. For what it’s lacking in size, Vinum makes up with quality. It’s probably reflected in its slightly above average price tags. It’s still a good treat once in a while.

As I wasn’t too sure of its serving portions to begin with, I opted for what I thought would be a safe option and ordered Marinated Shrimps on Baked Potato served with Sour Cream & Salad.


How can anyone claim that this portion is small?!

It was an exquisite dish if you love cold shrimps. Marinated so well with fresh herbs, it was a perfect topping to the well baked potato which was so soft and delicious. Still, I couldn’t stomach it all down. After making due diligence that I’ve consumed all the shrimps, I left half the potato for Daniel to finish (after he had a Schnitzel!). No photo of his Schnitzel since I didn’t want to look like “The typical Asian who takes photos of all her food AND others’ food”.

I didn’t have any wine for obvious reasons so I ordered myself what wine would be without all the extra processing – Winzer Grape Juice! I’ll have to ask my German friend if it’s something I’ll be able to get in a supermarket because it was delicious!

Service was excellent there. The waiter was very smiley (trust me, not THAT common here) and attentive. Good service, great food and juice and excellent company, what a way to start off the long awaited weekend!

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