A Little DIY Fun For Babies

Theo is a very fortunate child. He is not short of toys. I’m really happy that he has plenty to play with. As he has so many toys, I find that he goes through them really quickly – like 30 seconds with a toy before moving on to another. Therefore I do try to create opportunities for him to sit down and “focus” on one activity.


On Sunday, I put him in a cardboard box. To ensure that he doesn’t cut himself, I used masking tape to cover all the edges. I also placed a blanket in the box before putting him in. I then used a knife to cut three squares on a flap (of course this step was done before I put him in the box!). Theo had so much fun (thank you Amazon!!!). He enjoyed opening and closing the flaps, and pulling part of the blanket through the square holes.


On Monday, I mixed flour, water and food dye to create “paint”. It’s not so much art and craft time, but rather just for him to feel the bag and see what happens when he uses his fingers to press on it etc.

I don’t expect him to sit still for 30 minutes to concentrate of the “task” but I think it’s fun for him to explore new materials. It’s also handy that the bag is taped to the table. I don’t have to bend over a million times to pick up a toy! Yay! Hopefully when he learns to stop putting everything in his mouth, we can then move on to crayons. 

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