Breuer’s Rüdesheimer Schloss

Rüdesheimer Schloss is located on Drosselgasse and prides itself as a traditional wine restaurant. We were lucky to visit Rüdesheim on a warm and sunny day, so an outdoor wine garden like this looked very inviting and romantic. As it's a touristy town, it is not surprising to us that prices are slightly higher than …

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Thai Lao Restaurant, Frankfurt

I'm super excited to share another hidden gem in Frankfurt - Thai Lao restaurant. A couple of friends recommended the place to me so we tried it out (finally!!!) after storytime. The interior deco may look unimpressive but any foodie should know that it's the quality of the dishes that count. The lady boss (who's from Hong …

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Sushimoto – Chirashi Don, Frankfurt

 It has been a year since I went to Sushimoto in Frankfurt.  I was pregnant with Theo so I stayed away from sashimi and ordered the Yakiniku set instead. I remember being envious of those around me who were digging into their sashimi sets and Chirashi Don. A year on, a friend suggested meeting up for …

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Schnitzel Please, Frankfurt

Without fail, we're woken up between 6.30 and 7am everyday. It's as though I've set Theo to go off just like an alarm clock. He's a pretty reliable one. Our Saturday mornings are spent at music class. It's a class for babies and young children to sing songs, play instruments and dance around. Very fun but …

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Iimori Restaurant, Frankfurt

Iimori is popular for its French-Japanese fusion cafe in Frankfurt. Its cakes are delicate, beautiful and scrumptious. The atmosphere is top notch given its stylish furniture. You can read more about the cafe here. On Friday, I craved for some interaction with an adult so I met up with a friend at Iimori Restaurant for lunch. …

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Phuket Thai Imbiss, Frankfurt

Did I mention that there are actually quite a handful of Singaporean ladies (who are also mummies) living in Frankfurt? Before I had Theo, I was under the impression that Munich was the place to be if I wanted to meet Singaporeans. Now, it's great to have a little group of friends who understand Singlish …

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Cake Me Up at Karstadt, Frankfurt

Gone are the days when I can easily pop into any cafe in town. These days places I go to need to be baby-friendly. In another words, there needs to be a baby changing room. On the 5th level of Karstadt is a food court and round the corner is a baby changing toilet. Perfect! …

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Adolf Wagner, Sachsenhausen

3rd October is a public holiday in Germany that celebrates the reunification of the country in 1990. It couldn't be more appropriate to commemorate this day by having a meal at Adolf Wagner, a traditional German restaurant that goes back to the 1930s. Surprise! Surprise! Dan ordered himself a sinful Schnitzel filled with cheese and …

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Textor Bar and Restaurant, Frankfurt

After checking off some tasks on my to-do list in the morning, we headed to Textor Bar & Restaurant near Südbahnhof for a late lunch. Thankfully Theodore's still at the stage where he'll fall asleep in his pram if we walked x metres hence we managed to have a quiet and enjoyable lunch date. Daniel …

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Pho Ngon – Noodle and Dim Sum Bar

Pho Ngon is a newly opened restaurant located near Frankfurt Hauptbahnhof. After seeing a friend posted mouth-watering photos of the food there, I decided to try it out on Sunday. The ambience was great as the place was well decorated. However I no longer am too bothered with the interior design of restaurants since we …

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Cantina Mescal Mexican Restaurant, Frankfurt

Ever since Theodore was born, we live by his schedule. Gone are the days (for now) where we decide in advance that lunch/ dinner is at a specific time. These days meal times often coincide with fussing time, nappy changing time or feeding time. Don't get me wrong. I'm not complaining. I'm just saying life …

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Relax Café Bar Restaurant, Frankfurt

How was your weekend? I hope it was great and you've managed to recharge for the week ahead. Ours was filled with birthing information as we attended a prenatal course in Frankfurt. The course was spread across two full days which left me more confident of the upcoming birth but also tired since the clocks …

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Vinum, Frankfurt

On Friday, Daniel invited me to his work dinner which was held at Vinum. The restaurant is famous for serving good Rheingau wine with local dishes that compliment its selection. While its appearance may look less than inviting on the side street near Alter Oper, once you're in the restaurant, you'll be enchanted by its …

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Erbgut Restaurant, Frankfurt

Saturdays are usually errand-packed days for us. There's always a rush to get basic needs from the supermarkets to ensure that we're well-stocked over the weekend. Hence, I never liked Saturdays. However, we decided to make Saturdays a little more positive by throwing in a bit of fun. So off to one of our favourite …

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Lunch Date at Vipho Vietnamese Restaurant Frankfurt

Awww... My Saturday was perfect thanks to my thoughtful husband! He's so exhausted from the week's hard work but he still finds time to pamper his forever aching, complaining, and demanding wife. After our "date" at Hugendubel Bookstore, we proceeded to Vipho for the most authentic Vietnamese cuisine in Frankfurt. It has been more than …

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Zum Gemalten Haus, Frankfurt

An unconventional place to have a Valentine's Day date - at a traditional German restaurant along Schweizer Straße known as Zum Gemalten Haus. Beautiful old paintings of Frankfurt adorned the walls of the restaurant which had a lively, middle-aged crowd drinking Apfelwein merrily. One glance and I could tell we were the only couple out …

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T-Style Bistro in Bockenheim, Frankfurt

Located in student-friendly Bockenheim, T-style Bistro is a quiet Japanese restaurant which serves dishes ranging from fresh sushi to deep fried chicken at affordable prices. A colleague recommended this little gem to Daniel and may I quote him, "The best Japanese restaurant in Frankfurt". I simply adore Japanese food. I just can't get enough of …

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Selera Malaysian Restaurant, Frankfurt

Over the past 3 years I've become less homesick. I do have days when I stare into space reminiscing the good and bad days I spent in Singapore, but those memories bring a smile to my face these days; not tears. In addition to a supportive husband who puts up with my crankiness on bad …

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Fujiwara Japanese Restaurant – Take 2, Frankfurt

I can't decide if it's a good or bad thing that the gynaecologist clinic is a 2 minutes walk from Fujiwara restaurant. Never in my life have I craved so badly for Japanese food, especially sashimi. Before any of you pounce on me and warn me to abstain from sashimi, I'm well aware of the …

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Burgermeister, Frankfurt

A German friend of ours whom we met in Keio University in 2005 visited us in Frankfurt with his wife. They are both experts in the nuclear-related field and are expecting a new addition to their family in March 2014. Dan commented, "Would you call them a NUCLEAR family?" (This is why I love my …

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