Weekly Photo Challenge 7: Rainbow

I was on a lookout for rainbows this week. Summer's finally here and we're seeing more blue skies these days. But nah, I didn't see any. And so I thought I could make myself a rainbow instead! Tadaaaahhhh!!! It's a rainbow lemon cake! It's actually a lemon drizzle cake and the recipe can be found …

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Weekly Photo Challenge 6: Up

I must admit that this week hasn't been easy. It's the first week back at work for Daniel and I have been busy "disinfecting" our apartment since I'm quite sensitive to dust. I had to set time aside to get my German studies back on track by setting myself a strict study plan for the …

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Weekly Photo Challenge 5: Time

There's always a story behind every photo and that's why I love taking pictures. Whenever I look at old albums I'm reminded of a particular event that happened that led to the shots. Photos contain great memories and it's indeed true that a picture paints a thousand words. Last week's challenge was "Time" (and I'm …

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Weekly Photo Challenge 4: Heart

I embarked on a 3.5hr walk from Jurong West to Clementi despite it being 33 degrees Celsius with intense humidity. Long distance walking is a great way to test one's endurance and discipline. It also gives me a chance to have a closer look at our surroundings compared to sitting in a car zooming past …

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Weekly Photo Challenge 3: Teamwork

Being able to work as a team is definitely one of the skills everyone puts on their CV. From a young age, we're taught how to play and work with others from doing group projects together. I remember having to deal with the laziest 3 boys in class for a group project at A levels. …

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Weekly Photo Challenge 2: Coffee to Go

Life in Germany isn't complete if you've never stepped into a café to have a slice of cake and coffee. Cafés in Germany have as much significance as pubs do in Britain. Ever since moving to Frankfurt we started visiting cafés a lot. Not just Starbucks but also little ones. As much as I do …

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Weekly Photo Challenge 1: Marriage

I've decided to set a challenge for myself and that's to take a good picture once a week. This will encourage me to be more observant of my surroundings and make good use of my new camera (finally got hold of the Olympus XZ-1 after much drama with PayPal). To kick off the challenge, I've …

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